4Mile Insider Insights: Nurturing a Vibrant Business Culture

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4Mile insider insights: Nurturing a Vibrant Business Culture

Curious about what it’s like to be a part of the 4Mile family? Let’s take a peek behind
the scenes and discover what makes the 4Mile business culture so unique, as shared
by our incredible employees!

Central to our success is our unwavering support system, which is embodied by our
dedicated managers and leadership team.

Ashima, our Corporate General Manager, expresses her gratitude, stating “I wouldn’t
work for anybody else. Peter and Robert go above and beyond for everybody in this
company. They make sure this is a family”.

Afsha, one of our agents, echoes this sentiment, emphasising the compassion and
understanding exhibited by the leadership team in navigating both personal and
professional challenges. “They are so friendly and understanding of circumstances and
situations in everybody’s life”, Afsha says, before adding “We are family”.

Acknowledging the diverse needs and preferences of our workforce, we have adopted
a hybrid work environment that provides flexibility and autonomy.

Kajan, our NFP team leader, reflects on this aspect, sharing, “I realised how flexible it
was when I started working here, it allowed me to have that really good balance
between work and uni”.

We offer our employees the freedom to choose their own schedules and the option to
work remotely up to five days a week. This empowers them to prioritise their well-being
while still being a part of the vibrant office culture that defines us at 4Mile.

Effective communication is essential for the success of any organisation, and at 4Mile,
we take it seriously. Our team leaders are encouraged to engage with agents more
often, and we ensure that they are available whenever needed.

As Ashima stresses, “We empower team leaders to start engaging with agents a lot
more, and we make sure that they engage in open and honest communication”.
Saverina, our account manager, reiterates this sentiment, highlighting the accessibility
of the management team: “Our agents can talk to anybody that they want”.

This open-door policy ensures that every voice is heard, and every concern is
addressed, creating a positive and inclusive environment of trust within our

At 4Mile, work is not solely focused on meeting deadlines and achieving targets.
Rather, it is about creating long-lasting connections and memories.

Saverina underscored this, saying “We foster fun to connect with our team and
encourage them to come to the office”.

From online Trivia nights during COVID to Nintendo Tennis competitions or fitness
competitions like “Fitness February” where team members earn points for every
physical activity, every initiative is geared towards fostering stronger bonds and a sense
of collective spirit among our team.

As we believe in taking care of our employees’ overall well-being, food is an essential
aspect of our workplace.

Our team has access to a wide range of breakfast, lunch, and snacks that are available
throughout the day. Our managers lovingly prepare home-cooked meals on
Wednesdays and Fridays, and our kitchen is fully stocked with frozen meals, vegetarian
options, and snacks to cater to everyone’s preferences. We make every effort to ensure
that our employees don’t have to worry about feeling hungry or not having their
cravings met.

Our Wednesday and Friday communal meals are an excellent opportunity for our team
to take a break, connect, and rejuvenate during their busy workdays. As Shannon, our
Wires campaign team leader, aptly puts it, “It’s a nice break to the day”. Saverina
agrees, commenting, “We are all looking forward to Fridays”.

Our office is also lucky to have some furry friends around! They add an extra layer of
warmth and comfort to the workplace.
Shannon agrees that having dogs in the office can make a big difference, especially on
tough days. She affirms “Having dogs in the office helps a lot when you’re having a
harsh day”.

These four-legged companions not only help us relieve stress, they also bring joy and
companionship. They remind us that amidst the demands of work, there’s always room
for a wagging tail and a friendly lick.

The work culture at 4Mile goes beyond achieving targets. It’s about creating a sense of
belonging, nurturing well-being, and fostering connections that extend beyond the

As our employees Ashima, Afsha, Kajan, Saverina, and Shannon have expressed, 4Mile
is not just a workplace – our team is our family, and we’re dedicated to creating a fun
environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

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